
20 September, 2010

Green smoothies, etc.

After I got married, I realized that the health of not only me, but my husband also and any children we might have, was "in my hands", so to speak. After all, I do the grocery shopping-- choosing what and what not to bring into our house. Plus, Peter's kind of got other things to do and doesn't have time to worry about whether he's getting enough of the good stuff. I also realized that I had taken for granted the great efforts my mom went to to provide my family with a balanced diet and keep raw veggies in dishes throughout the day. Now I'm feeling a bit of pressure knowing we will reap the consequences, whether good or bad, of what I put on the table.

So with that, we're changing our lifestyle.

Our water is reverse osmosis and is stored in blue, BPA-free jugs. It is reverse osmosis because heaven only knows what Cleveland puts in their water... BPA-free because BPA has been know to cause premature-puberty, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, and more. Traces of it have also been found in newborns, showing that babies still in utero are exposed to the toxin and are highly susceptible to the dangers the compound poses.

Peter can't survive without meat and veganism is against our convictions, so we're finding a middle ground between factory farming and giving up animal products all together. Our animal products (meats, cheeses, milk, eggs...) all come from free-range, cage-free farms, and are local, preferably.
Confession: I used to think veganism was silly because "we have been given dominion over the animals", but after researching I'm convicted that, though we have dominion over the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, we are not entitled to be cruel in order to mass-produce. Free-range and, if we can afford, organically-fed, meat products are much much healthier and cruelty-free!


So anyway, my latest rage: green smoothies. I've been reading on fresh veggies, fruits, herbs, etc., and have come to realize all the nutrients that are lost when the product is dried, powdered in capsule form, frozen...
I know we definitely don't get enough fruits and vegetables, let alone those raw, dark leafy greens. And so, I've incorporated these into our diet:

(Serves 2)
In blender, puree:
2 heaping handfuls each of fresh, organic spinach and collard greens
3T flax seed oil (this stuff has been known to cure everything. Insomnia, schizophrenia, it strengthens hair and nails, purifies skin, improves eyesight, eases weight loss, accelerates healing of sprains and bruises, and so much more!)
1/2C frozen berries
2 bananas
1 apple

You can really use whatever fresh, raw produce you want. Last night I added some fresh green beans that I had in the fridge. We also have peaches and grapes that I'm going to use today.The point is to intake as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible and reap the benefits of healthier hair, skin and nails, have more energy and live largely off of the fruit of the land!

They taste better than they look. I promise.


Their new favorite thing: snuggling on the couch.

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