28 October, 2011
24 October, 2011
So this is life.
These precious souls will be a month old this week. No, we can't believe it.
Sweet, sweet Katharina is like her Momma when it comes to sleep. One minute she'll be eyes wide-open, taking everything in, and I'll turn around to pick up her crying brother, look back, and she's out. Not like my-eyelids-just-met, I'm-only-resting. Out cold. Like, go ahead, try to wake me, and good luck. And she's out like a light. Katharina does everything daintily-- she yawns and cries with grace, she sleeps like an angel, she even grunts like a lady, and right now, she is all girl.
Sebastian sleeps like his dad. He's hard to wake, and hates anyone who tries. If you succeed, he'll need at least a half an hour to reach a level of wakefulness at which he can only slightly function. When he's hungry, he's just that-- h u n g r y. Though he's not as calm as his sister, he does love his morning snuggles in our bed. He's a pro at wake time and is gaining better control of his arms, eyes and head. He rolled over for the first time last week (I almost threw up a little writing that). Yes, he's 3 1/2 weeks old. No, I don't think that's normal. Yes, it is bittersweet.
They're simply tiny darlings. We went to dinner last week-- dinner complete with a bottle of wine, starters, dinner and dessert. They slept like angels the entire time, and we almost forgot they were with us, except for the flocks of people coming by to peek.
Thanks to living in a walking town, I have 4 pounds to lose before I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm feeling fantastic, and finally over that awful weepy stage of baby blues (which, I might argue, is multiplied with multiples), and thoroughly enjoying this time with our babies.
It really is a take-each-day-as-it-comes life, and I love that. I don't really manage any more than what one day holds, so this is working out for us! If you were to show up at our home unannounced, you'd probably find half a dozen diapers (for each baby) lying in a pile on the living room floor. That's because I like to make one trip to the trash (my husband believes I have an aversion to trash cans and has more than once led me to it and introduced us as if I were a kitten being shown its newly placed litter box. I'm changing my ways). You also might find bowls from last night's chili sitting on the kitchen counter, along with the cutting board, pots, pans and plates used to prepare said chili. There may be dust bunnies on the carpeting and I'm pretty sure my windows need washed. The bathroom mirror hasn't been cleaned in a week, nor has the shower. The downstairs carpeting was blessed enough to get vacuumed last week, but the upstairs, well, better luck next time. There might be bills that have been torn open and left sitting on the coffee table, along with a few pairs (or, not pairs) of baby socks and a bottle of nail polish; a basket of laundry on the kitchen floor and two loads drying on various racks throughout the house. But moving on, you'd find two delighted parents resting in their not-so-neat home, holding two tiny miracles with full tummies and lots of smiles.
And we are pretty sure this is what parenthood is about.

God's given us grace for this time. We're slowly getting back in the saddle, but honestly, there are so many snuggles and smiles we'd miss if this house were sparkling. Somehow, like never before, we're able to leave the house be, because they're only like this once, and we all know the dishes aren't going anywhere.
17 October, 2011
Well, this day has been circled in red and covered in exclamation points for months now. Why? Because it's the day our babies were due to arrive. They had other plans. Of course they did, babies always do, and why should dealing with two be any exception?
Today they're 19 days (or, 1 day, adjusted), and last night I weighed them (albeit clothed and diapered) and both have just passed the 6 pound mark.
Where is time going?
Today they're 19 days (or, 1 day, adjusted), and last night I weighed them (albeit clothed and diapered) and both have just passed the 6 pound mark.
Where is time going?
I'm Katharina. I am a really smart baby, and have figured out that when I cry a certain way, Mommy comes running to pick me up. Then I get to fall asleep in her arms instead of in my crib like she wants. But she can't help it, I'm so darn cute.
I like to eat, but really hate this whole parent-directed feeding thing my parents are so into. I want to be a demand-feeder, but Mommy and Daddy say they simply won't have it. So, I have to do things their way.
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excuse the coloring...this is the product of a 3am feeding photo shoot. |
I'm Sebastian, and I am thriving on the routine my parents have laid out for me. I love waking right on time, taking a full feeding, and having my awake time. I like to look around in my crib for just a few minutes then snuggle into my blanket and fall fast asleep.
But please don't be deceived. I love screaming during diaper changes, and when Mommy has to put me down to pick up my sister so she can feed us together, all of St. Andrews can hear how unhappy I am. I especially like to pee all over Mom and Dad's sheets when they change me at 3am. This morning I missed and went on my face though. I'll have to work on my aim.
Mommy and Daddy tell us we smile more than any newborns they've seen. They say that makes them really happy.
When we were first born we were always wrapped in the right colors-- boys in blue, girls in pink. Well now we've noticed they just grab whichever blanket is closest and that's what we get.
We don't care that much, but we hope people don't get us mixed up. We also hope they never put us in each others' clothes. That would make us really mad.
Well, that's all for now. We're sure we'll be back with more stories soon.
Sebastian & Katharina
12 October, 2011
We really, really love. . .
. . .sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed
even though Baby Wise says not to.
But we're 10 days old
who can help it?
10 October, 2011
Our new wheels.
Our brand new 2011 Bumbleride Indie Twin Natural Edition!
We really, really, really love this baby.
It practically pushes itself.
08 October, 2011
Finally here.
Early morning, September 28, we welcomed our two precious little ones. Things pulled together rather quickly for a first time delivery, I think, and they were in our arms about 7 hours after the first contraction.
3:30 am, 5 pushes, and our little man was born. I cannot lie, during labor I was thinking how can they be worth this?! But as soon as that boy was out and the midwife laid him on my chest, I couldn't hold back the tears, and just wept with my arms around my precious son.
3:51 am, just a few more than 5 pushes, and our daughter was born. Her heart rate was dropping quickly during labor, so she was taken right away to be cleaned up and APGAR tested. A couple minutes later Peter had them both in his arms.
We waited until the next day to name them, knowing neither of us could think straight at 4 am.
When Peter came back to the hospital later Wednesday, our little girl wasn't with me. Shortly after birth she had stopped breathing, turned an awful blue, and was hurriedly taken away by midwives. I was later informed by a group of pediatricians that she was in an incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit being monitored.
Peter was able to go up to see her, and brought back a picture for me to see since I hadn't had much time with her. We talked about names, and though a lot of things were not certain, one thing was: our little boy was to be Sebastian Grey.
We looked at pictures of our daughter and crossed name after name off of our list, settling on Katharina (pronounced Kat-uh-rina) McCallum.
And so our twins were named. Grey is my father's mother's maiden name, and McCallum is Peter's father's mother's maiden name.
On Wednesday, 28 September they were born.
Sebastian Grey
at 3:30 am
5 pounds 3 ounces
18 1/2 inches long
Katharina McCallum
at 3:51 am
5 pounds 8 ounces
19 inches long
We spent 7 days in the hospital, with no diagnosis on Katharina's apneas. The one conclusion that seemed most probable was that the magnesium sulfate I was given during labor because of high blood pressure affected her.
But we're home now-- happy as could be, our little family of four. Katharina only came home with an apnea monitor that we turn on when she's sleeping in her crib (cot), or whenever we're not right near her (which is never). Peter and I didn't know it was possible to love these two so much. We absolutely adore them. And that's an understatement.
Katharina is a bundle of pure smiles and joy. She's so patient, rarely cries, and sleeps like an angel. Sebastian is a feisty little boy that hates having his diaper changed, loves skin-to-skin, and keeps us all entertained with his silly faces.
Both are incredible feeders and sleepers, and have taken to the Baby Wise routine on their own, always putting themselves to sleep in their bed, and waking [almost ;)] just on time for feeding. (Praise God). They love a tight swaddle, a long snuggle, and have both discovered their thumbs.
We could watch them for hours on end, and love to compare their differences and similarities. Before they were born I was concerned it would be difficult for them to develop their individual identities and that we would struggle with referring to them as one, as "the twins". But already I am seeing that is not the case. We love different things about each one, and already they both express themselves in totally different ways, and we are loving that.
And now, a few pictures upon request:
Last belly picture! |
Second time snuggling since birth. |
Honest truth, having a child in an incubator in the NICU is unbelievably hard. It was the most emotionally and physically taxing thing we have ever experienced. Your mind can't help but go to things like, How long does she cry? Why does she cry? Does she know who I am when I visit? Does she miss her brother? Can she smell us? Do we comfort her? Will we ever have as strong a bond as her brother and I? Does she know we didn't put her here? Does she recognize my voice? |
Katharina was all smiles the first time we put her next to Sebastian when she was released from the NICU. It was a teary-eyed moment for all of us. |
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This is one very proud daddy. . . |
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. . .and his very happy daughter. |
getting ready to go home.
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Grammy made a welcome home sign and had a huge lunch on the table when we got home. |
A few last things:
They had pictures taken today
I lost 42 pounds in less than a week
A blog post is coming on our hot new wheels
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