
26 November, 2011

Thanksgiving in Scotland

We hosted Thanksgiving for the first time this year. Ok, so we had no where to go because we're in Scotland where our American Thanksgiving is rarely heard of. But, that's beside the point.

And, to our dismay, I didn't take any pictures. You're not surprised, are you? I still fail miserably at that photography thing...

My sister-in-law and I spent hours upon hours in the kitchen whisking, beating, mashing, blending to our little hearts' content. But really, we wanted to.

Peter baked a leg of lamb, Ruby dressed the turkey. Together we pulled together 10 pounds of mashed potatoes, 5 pounds of sweet potatoes, stuffing, green beans, jello salad, carrot thyme soup, pumpkin pie and apple tarts.

Oh, carrot thyme soup. That Pioneer Woman. Remember I mentioned I was on a kick? Well give this a whirl. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in-between.

Anyhow, we whipped up an American Thanksgiving and showed these Scots (well, and a Bulgarian and Englishman) what it's about.

Food. Well, and thanksgiving, of course.

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