
01 January, 2012

December 31, 2011 - 2 years

Its been two years since I married this man.

I never knew two years could be so full. I still think we just got married. Seriously. But it's been two years of happiness and joy, struggles and a few fights (or maybe 5 or 6. . .), lots of tears and laughter (oh how he's taught me to laugh!) but more love and kisses, and one crazy, wild ride. 

Two years, and he still makes my toes tingle and my cheeks blush. He still makes my heart beat fast and gives my stomach butterflies. Two years, two children, stress, anxiety and a new home thousands of miles from the old and he keeps me wondering when the honeymoon ends.
He makes me madder than any person ever can, and he knows me better than any person ever will.

We’ve fought battles we didn’t know we could face. We’ve emerged stronger, victorious (sometimes), resolved, thankful. And I’m pretty sure together, we could conquer the world.

I promised to walk beside him for better or worse, and he’s held my hand and led me through better and worse (worst?). Because he is strong, I can walk beside him. I long to grow old with him.

And I don't believe the Lord is finished with us. We have a lifetime to live together. Thank God.

Photo credit: Peter Serven


  1. This makes me cry happy tears. So thankful that the Lord has blessed my sister with such a wonderful husband. Love you both!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! That last picture is very cool; it looks like a painting. =D

  3. Angela your pictures are stunning! Congrats on your anniversary. Blessings to you and your family. :)

  4. I love you two so very much. We miss you dearly from over on this side of the seas. Blessings on two years...
