
26 March, 2012


Sebastian licks his fingers and runs his hand through his hair. I didn't even know he knew how to do that! Katharina sucks her two fingers between each bite. She pulls at her bib and smears orangey potatoes across her white outfit (I love my babies in white. Now I know why most mothers choose colors. With patterns). Sebastian reaches for his foot and sweet potatoes are squeezed between each tiny toe. Sweet potatoes in hair, on chairs, everywhere.

she is laughing.

This is fun. They love exploring new textures with their tongues and fingers. It's going down quite well (most of it makes it down). I'm not really sure if this is how most mom's do it, or if its the right way- if there is one. I don't know how to keep it a clean ordeal- if it can be.

It works, though I have no idea how I'd ever do it in public. We end with lots of messy baby smiles and giggles, and what we set out to accomplish- full tummies. They're having fun, and that's what my husband tells me matters right now; we can teach them table manners later.


  1. I'm a big fan of naked baby feeding..i just put aly in her diaper and pop her in the high chair. Skin is much easier to clean that clothes, esp with all that sweet potato orange!
