We never thought I'd make it this far, but things are rolling right along. Next week will mark full term. It's also the week doctors will be pushing to "get things going". Join us in praying that these two decide to come on their own before we have to deal with lovely obstetricians.
Below is
Baby Center's estimation on what 36 weeks with fraternal twins looks like.
. . . and what I look like:
Somedays I can be found jumping on our bed. We're still discussing names (and probably will be until we're holding them in our arms). Both babies are still head-down, and Little Man has dropped into place and is engaged waaay down low, gearing up for birth (though it's hard to see that my belly's "dropped" because there's another whole 6+ pounds of child above that!).
In other news: |
We've made some great friends at church -- couples, single people and families.
Peter was awarded "Employee of the Month".
This week is freshers week, where all the kiddos arrive in town and drink fermented beverages to their hearts' content.
We turned our heat on [low] today.
I crave pineapple and fruit smoothies.
We want to go to Spain for Christmas.
AMAZING! There are TWO living babies inside of you!! <3