
01 September, 2011

No induction, no induction. Yipee yay yay.

I don't have much time here, but just wanted to write a quick update.

Yesterday we met with the team of midwives at the clinic right near our house. These women are angels. Turns out, we can refuse the 37 week induction if both babies are happy and healthy where they are.

After feeling my belly and hearing heartbeats, one of the sweet midwives let us know that there's "really no more room in there" and "it's rather full". Basically, I can only stretch so much (no kidding), and once my body figures out it cannot grow another centimeter, it'll signal that it's time to evict Thing 1 and Thing 2.


Our birth plan is revised, revised again and now complete. The hospital bags are packed. The crib (er, cot) is made, baby clothes washed, diapers opened. Now we're just a-waitin'.

Last night I had my very first maybe tonight'll be the night, feeling. Does that mean its close? Not necessarily. Neither does contraction after contraction (or, "surge", as Hypnobirthers like to call them), or the fact the my belly hangs out of just about all my maternity tops. 

Since no one knows what triggers labor, we truly have no idea when to expect these two munchkins. But we do know they'll come. Thank God, they'll come.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!! I really enjoy reading your blog, about your life, and your babies, and your adventure in Scotland. =)
