
11 July, 2012

Petey Baby turns 25!

25 candles, family breakfast tradition, his favorites-- picnic with stinky cheese, crusty bread, roast beef. A rest under trees, canoeing. Birthday cake by request, mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Loving him is just so easy.

picnicking is something we used to do over and over and
over again when we were dating, engaged, and newlyweds
(aren't we still?). It was fun to repeat that date.
really, seriously, madly in love.

this cake: 17 eggs, 1.5 pounds of butter, 28 ounces of
chocolate. I am picky about cakes, and this made
the cut, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast!

    2 things-

    1) Your picnic basket was super cute (and so are you two!)
    2) O. My. Goodness. That cake looks AMAZING!
