
04 December, 2012

1 month || 4 december

She has two hands, two feet, two eyes, two ears. Two chins.

We call her 'Byrdie'.

Her cheeks are big and chubby, and her face is perfectly round. She is entirely kissable.

She smiles when we talk to her, and has eyes for her Papa. She notices him before anyone else, and turns her head when she hears his voice.

Clearly, she takes mealtime seriously. She wakes once at night, and has fallen right into our daily routine. I am thankful.

Her siblings adore her. While Sebastian is protective and gentle, Katharina would like to be her mother by lifting and hugging and pinching her cheeks, thank-you-very-much.

Life is wonderful here. Happy December!


  1. O, man! Could she get any cuter?! I love her and her two chins. Hehe.

  2. Of course she's happy- what's not to like about the family she is in? She is lovely.
