
14 October, 2012

Our house, plus a little bit of life

Here you have it. Some low-quality photos of our new place, and a whole bunch of photos of just life around here.

kitchen. Where I spend most of my time at home.
Kitchen nook
Nursery. Little Girl will join Sebastian and Katharina once she's sleeping
through the night. Until then, she'll be in a bassinet in our room.
Bathroom. Complete with a tub. American's have
no idea. . .

Master bedroom. We've got some decorating planned for in here. Not bound
to happen before Baby Girl arrives.
Living room.
This photo doesn't nearly capture the
beauty of this room. Surprisingly I don't spend a whole
lot of time in here during the day, but in the evenings it's
where we hold family worship and pillow fights and wooden
car races and wrestling matches. It's a good place to be.
Castle Sands at the North Sea.

We took a family walk out the pier and saw this sweet family of swans.

Lazy Sundays.
The sea has been fierce lately. 
Peter took Sebastian out on a man date before he
becomes a big brother again.
St Andrews from the end of the pier.

drinks and cheese after a date to see Anna Karenina. 
One-year photo.

An afternoon at the Sea.

. . .and then the playground. 

Sebastian meets blowdryer.

All ready for our little girl!
What is not to love about this place?


  1. O, my! I love your life. Your home looks lovely, too! So homey and spacious.

    Love to you all!

  2. I must admit, looking through your pictures and seeing your lovely family, I sometimes feel a twinge of jealousy that Kasey wasn't born a normal healthy boy and isn't yet doing everything he should be for his age... but the love you write about is so real, I feel it exactly. It gives me patience when I honestly have none, and makes me constantly thankful that I have more time with my son. Even though I start to tear up every time I see a young child walking and wonder to myself, 'is Kasey ever going to do that?' at the same time I remember that Kasey's brain is ALL there, he's so smart and energetic and full of life and love, and I am SO blessed to be his mother and the primary receptor of all of that love! I don't know how long he will be here on earth, but I am so determind (and I know with God's grace I will be) the best mother for him. I love reading your blog, and also Ashley's - you are both so practical and encouraging. I love you :) even if I don't remember ever having met you =D Thanks for the reminders of what really counts... Hannah Gerrick
