
10 October, 2012

Still here, still here.

Hello, hello. We are still around. I know some of you had begun to wonder.

I'm writing this quickly, and from my lovely new iPad. Because my husband loves me so much, and he tells me he wants me to write. He talks of our future and years down the road, when he's doing x and x, and the kids are doing this and that, "and you're working on your fourth book. . ." We shall see.

We hit the ground in Edinburgh 5 weeks ago with our feet running full-speed ahead and have been going non-stop since then. It's been the great kind of busy.

Our apple tree was in full-bloom several weeks ago and I stocked both our freezers with applesauce, apple pie, apple crisp, and tonight: apple cider. I spent a day last week making chilli galore for the freezer, and tomorrow: spaghetti sauce. I'll need to talk to my husband about investing in a third freezer. Kidding.

What else? I'm growing wheat grass! . . . and a baby.

I am still pregnant. 37 1/2 weeks to be exact, though I really can't believe it. My energy levels are through the roof, and the babies and I haven't had a whole lot of down time during the day.

Yesterday we did a comparison picture because it was the same day in this pregnancy that Sebastian and Katharina were born in theirs. Have a peek. (Not sure where the photo will end up in the post from my blogger app...)

Peter's probably busier than I am, with lectures and tutorials and coffee appointments left and right. He's been diligent about getting out for his 9am lecture every morning, and somehow makes everything and then some fit into student life and being a first-class husband and Daddy. While we are talking about high energy levels. . .

Sebastian's found a new love, and it has wheels. (He is a boy after his Papa's heart). Peter bought him a shiny black wooden car made in France for his birthday, and he pushes it around the house all day long. When he's not doing that he's throwing a soccer ball, crawling to it, throwing it. . .

Katharina is a walking girl now, and prefers it to crawling. She's blown us away with her maturity and development in the past couple weeks, and her favourite after-dinner game is pillow fights with Papa. (I know what you are thinking. We're great parents).

And now nap time is over, and duty calls. I do want to share photos with you all of our new house, and our garden and neighbourhood. I promise to be back again this week (how is that for pressure?). Also, pray we have Baby Girl photos to post soon!

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