
21 January, 2013

Bit of life.

Not only does Philippa smile now, at anyone and anything, but she giggles now too. She kicks her legs and waves her arms when she sees her Papa and smacks her lips when she sees me. She sleeps on her back with her arms above her head and we can't stop kissing her.

Well I'm having a hard time pulling Sebastian and Katharina's bedtime bottles. It's such a snuggly time in our day, and we're all suckers for cuddles. They're 15 months and won't ask for them when they leave for university, right? They like (read love) chamomile tea at bedtime now and lay together to snuggle on the nearest blanket when they see their bottles. They each carry at least 7 books to us in their arms and ask us to read them over and over. And over. Three weeks now, they've been devouring sautéed mushrooms at dinnertime. Sebastian says mama, dada (the boy refuses to say Papa), Kat-a, Mimi, and all sorts of animal sounds. Aside from animal noises, Katharina (Kat-a) leaves the talking to Sebastian.


  1. <3 LOVE THEM ALL!

    I need to try the chamomile tea for Ralphie.

    And as long as they're not still drinking bottles at 4 like their Auntie, I think they'll be alright. ;)

  2. Snuggles all around. Sounds heavenly!
