
11 August, 2011

30 weeks.

Whoa, where has time gone? There's something huge about 30. Maybe it's my ever-expanding belly, or the fact that we will have two tiny bundles in less than 10 weeks.

I had my very last appointment with my midwife here this morning. She is so great, and I hope sometime in the future we will be able to complete a pregnancy with her. She somehow understands my round-about way of thinking and just gets the way I feel about pregnancy and the entire birthing experience. She's been a huge source of encouragement to be healthy and active, and she's one of the greatest reasons I have been able to be so laid-back about this pregnancy.

How far along? 30 weeks, and a few days.
Total weight gain/loss: +27
Maternity clothes? Yes.

Stretch marks? Not one! I'm so thankful.

Sleep: pretty bad lately.

Best moment this week: My last appointment with my midwife confirmed that Scotland actually is just around the corner.
Movement: Almost non-stop.

Cravings: Ice cream, bananas and cherries. I could live on those three things. Oh, and s'mores.
Genders: They still haven't changed. :)
Labor Signs: Nothing at all! I haven't even been having contractions as frequently anymore. So thankful for that.
Belly Button in or out? Still out, thank you.
What I miss: I really am starting to miss my pre-pregnancy shape now.
What I am looking forward to: My last ultrasound in the States on Monday. And meeting our babies!
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: 30 weeks is like w o w. So thankful to be here!
Others: We're gearing up and preparing for a great hypnobirthing experience! We're just praying hard that absolutely no complications arise, especially nothing we can't maneuver around naturally. (For those wanting a completely natural approach to a safe, more comfortable birthing experience, we're loving Hypnobirthing: the Mongan Method thus far.  Though we do not agree with everything the author claims, we're loving the thought process and success stories we have heard).
I love pregnancy, I feel great, but I am really ready for these two to come out. I know Peter is too. Last night he was staring at my belly and started laughing (the twerp), "You're huge." Thanks a lot. Thanks.


  1. Well, you may miss your pre-pregnancy figure, but we're all fans of the belly!! And we want a picture! :)

  2. I'm with Meg! You look beautiful pregnant!! Can't believe the rest of these updates and baby pictures will come from all the way across the Atlantic. :)
