
11 August, 2011

My last trip to Michigan.

Last week I went to Michigan to visit my family one last time before our big move. It was a fun, full weekend complete with bonfires, spontaneous visits, shopping, and more. Each time I leave there it seems to be harder, and this time was especially difficult as we all hugged goodbye not knowing exactly when we would see each other again. . .

 Friday morning the girls and I (with some assistance from Nate) decorated their bedroom walls with these fun stickers. We first started with just a few above their beds, then expanded. . .

. . .and expanded. . .
We needed Nate for those high places that
heaven knows none of us girls could reach.
. . .until the entire wall was covered. It looked awesome and they had a blast being encouraged to stick stickers on their wall.

Meet Mittens 

Sunbathing. . . inside.
Later Friday morning Mom, Aliza, Anna and I went to an outdoor mall to do some shopping and play in the sprinkler park. This mall is seriously amazing, and I've never seen anything like it with a mini water park like this

We all loved the accessories in Janie & Jack.
Not only was there a sprinkler park, but there were over-sized
vegetables to climb on.

Then we met Jojo the 9-week-old Yorkie pup. . .
I think we all want one. Now to convince the husbands
(and fathers) that they are cuter than rats. . .

Saturday Ashlee spontaneously flew in to spend the weekend with all of us, and my grandma also drove up from Ohio last minute. It was quite the weekend.
We managed to get a family picture Sunday.

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