
12 August, 2010

The beach and laundry detergent.

Below are pictures from a trip we took to the beach. I honestly had completely forgotten about these pictures because so much has happened in the past several weeks.

Despite the dead fish and lack of sand, we did have a good day swimming and exploring in the rocks and trees. Everyone got some sun on their cheeks, but of course Noah and Aliza left with tans that I will be forever envious of.

There she is: Lake Erie.


There are plenty of these lying all along the beach.

Aliza informed me that when they move to Michigan
she wants to take Tae Kwon Do, soccer, t-ball and...ballet lessons.

The boys had fun racing back and forth on the rocks.
I love seeing them all together. They're so handsome.
There is a boy misssing-- Nate was at Sea Cadet training.

Nick traversed the slippery rocks successfully.
Noah, not so successful.

Part of the gang...


I've been wanting to make my own laundry detergent for some time now. My mom used to do it and we loved the way the laundry smelled after being washed.
I was planning on using it for baby clothes/diapers, but why not use it on our stuff too? It really is super easy. Unfortunately I cannot take any of the credit. I've seen this recipe around other places as well, but I took it from the Duggar family. The recipe can be found here:
I did use a bar of Ivory this time, but for the next batch I am going to look for a more natural, scent-free soap and just add some essential oils.


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