
05 July, 2011

Independence Day in Detroit

We had a loaded weekend full of nothing but sunshine and fun in Michigan. Friday morning Peter and I got on the road pretty early to pick Daniel and Ashlee up at the Detroit airport on our way in.

Friday afternoon we did a whole lot of relaxing. . .

When Dad got home from work he grilled chicken and we whipped together mashed potatoes, grilled veggies and a killer salad. Later we had a bonfire complete with s'mores after putting the little ones to bed.

There was, of course, lots of cuddling and chasing with these two precious kittens my family recently added to their number of mouths to feed.

On Saturday we rented a boat and cruised Lake Orion all day. We tubed, picnicked and swam to our hearts' content. 

Mom and Dad had a blast on the tube. . .

. . .until it started sinking, and Mom swam for her life while Dad
stayed behind and tried to figure out the problem.

The little girls did not like the rocking of the boat. . .
. . .or the boys hanging off the tube.

But swimming at Dollar Bay proved a more enjoyable experience for the little girls who preferred the boat to be anchored in a no wake zone where they could jump off the boat, climb the ladder, jump off again. . .
Mom packed BBQ roast beef, buns, cheese, chips, fruit and drinks galore (delicious food is never lacking around there) so we could picnic at Dollar Bay as well.

Yes, my husband is sunburnt.
Sunday we all headed to East Lansing to watch Noah's kart race. His first heat was halted when he had some kart difficulties, but he finished both his second heat and race with flying colors.

Though he and Dad still have some tuning to do to make
the kart faster, Noah's an incredibly fast and aggressive

My honey also turned twenty-four Sunday. Mom made lasagna for dinner and, because Peter doesn't like cake, cupcakes or brownies, I made mint chocolate chip ice cream pies with hot fudge topping.
They were a hit.

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