
26 July, 2011

Ultrasound pictures.

We're past the point of getting those really cute profile, hand, arm and leg shots now. These munchkins are getting b i g and it's pretty squished in there.

The exciting part: everything looks awesome. Their hearts look beautiful, their tiny arms and legs are just precious, their faces are adorable already. Kidneys, bladders, stomachs and brains all look great as well (technology is purely amazing). No preterm labor signs, just two happy, healthy, incredibly active babies that won't sit still long enough to have their pictures taken!

Baby Boy weighed in at 2 pounds 5 ounces, right on track for a singleton and terrific for a multiple. And our chunky Baby Girl, outweighing her brother yet again, weighs 2 pounds 9 ounces. 

I'm so thrilled at their weight gain, and cannot possibly be more excited for their arrival!

The best we could do today:

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Angela, you are just so beautiful. I love the way you explain how your babies move around! I'm so excited for you and Peter.

