
25 July, 2011

7.25.11 - 28 weeks.

One year ago today we lost our sweet boys, Hugh and Leif (you can read that post here). It is a sad time remembering the physical pain, the heartache, the weakness we felt knowing what was happening and not being able to do anything. But in the same breath, it is a time of great rejoicing. The Lord restored to us what the locusts have eaten, but more importantly, he has given back to us a great gift that we are wholly undeserving of.

And so, we are rejoicing today at reaching 28 weeks of pregnancy, with two new babies that we are ever so grateful for.
We've made it to the third trimester!
Tomorrow we go for an ultrasound to monitor growth,
so I will have an update on these two
 sometime in the next day or so.


  1. You are so beautiful and I miss you!!!!!!

  2. I was just thinking about Hugh and Leif on Monday... I've been praying for you even though I couldn't remember the exact date. But it's such a blessing you have these two little ones waiting to come into the world :)
