
03 December, 2010

Pride, contentment and jellyfishes.

Last night I came to a humbling realization. It was this: that by trying to be something, or someone, we're not, by trying to make people believe we are a person we're not, we are failing to fulfill-- even worse, rejecting-- our chief end: being to glorify God. Forever.

"By being a jellyfish the jellyfish glorifies its Creator, for by being a jellyfish it fulfills its Creator's command." (Elisabeth Elliot, Let Me Be A Woman)

Likewise, not  having contentment with where the Lord has us is failure to "be"-- or to "fulfill"-- our Creator's command.

She also writes, "What sort of world might it be if Eve had refused the Serpent's offer and had said to him instead, 'Let me not be like God. Let me be what I was made to be-- let me be a woman.'?"


1 comment:

  1. Hey Angela!

    I just wanted to let you know that after I read this post, I went to my school library to check out this book.. I'm really looking forward to reading it over break! :)
