
09 December, 2010

A winter wonderland.

I hate when I sit down to write a post because I know one is far past over-due and I really can't think of anything important to say. . .

Oh, I know--

I finally broke down and winterized some of our windows this week. Not pleasing in more ways than aesthetics. I won't lie, the rooms that do have plastic (??) on their windows vaguely resemble a cave (I am horribly claustrophobic anyway) with no way out. 

If I didn't notice such a difference, I would take it all down right now.

But, outside our house looks like this and yesterday when this picture was taken, it didn't seem like it had plans of stopping any time soon:

Ordered Christmas presents are slowly starting to arrive in the mail, papers are being submitted and tests taken. 2010 is coming to an end, and it'll be over before we know it. Everyone knows that. We semi-decided on a semi-homemade tree this year, so I started making ornaments this afternoon as a test run before I drag Peter into helping after he starts "break" (??). I found the cutest tree-topper at a garage sale this summer (I'll post a picture later) and added some Christmas ribbon around her neck-- she's beautiful. I can't wait till our stockings get here (they're stinkin' cute).

I feel like a child I am so excited about the holidays this year. I suppose that's not a bad thing.

Thankfully, I landed a nannying addition (starting after Christmas) to the already full-time Joyce. Everyone's excited, and it looks as if I'll be hitting up a lot of museums this winter with 3 children in tow. So that means Thursdays I'll be busy with 5-- 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, and every other day just 3. Bring on the fun.

Peter's working so hard that we still rarely see each other. Several nights ago he woke me up at 2:45AM to proof a paper that needed to be submitted that night (not sure how effective that proofing was ;)). Sometimes I wonder if he's going to collapse from exhaustion, but he inspires me and keeps going and going. . .and going, and then he reminds me of all that we're working towards and hoping for, and I buck-up a bit too. If there's one thing I'm really hoping for this winter break, it's that we'll be able to go to bed together even just once, and if that happens at 3AM still, it'll be because we wanted to stay up that late. And then of course I want to sit by the fire and talk like we did through the summer on the front porch, and have nothing that has to be done. And make a meal or two together, go for a run around the neighborhood, and decorate Christmas cookies. . .

Over this so called "break" we're planning on getting a Christmas tree and finishing Christmas shopping. I'm baking pastries for a friend's wedding, assembling flowers for a friend's wedding and we're together attending a friend's wedding. We're firming up plans for our exciting Christmas in Detroit (??), beginning a new nannying job, submitting college applications, celebrating a year of bliss and of course a certain birthday (not like I'm excited or anything) celebration, and on and on and on. . .

Life is good. Crazy, but good.


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