
26 April, 2011

Easter weekend.

I've been off the radar for a few days now, but I'm back at least for today.

Friday I spontaneously decided to drive to Detroit with my grandma to celebrate Easter with my family. We had a great time, complete with a trip to a farmer's market, an Easter feast, egg hunt, and lots and lots of games, coloring and Pixar movies (Tangled was a first for me. How cute!).

Saturday was busy (it always is in this house, with 9 people all doing various activities). My dad took Noah and Nolan to the racetrack in Lansing where Noah races his go-karts every weekend, Nick and Nevin headed to soccer practice, and my mom, grandma, the little girls, Nate and I went to the farmer's market, then to find Nate a lavender tie for a dance he's attending in a couple weeks.

We were blessed with more than beautiful weather, and temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s, which made Easter egg-hunting all the more fun.

On Sunday after church service, we came home and ate our fill of food, then headed outside to watch little ones storm the yard for colorful eggs. Afterwards, we always have a round of the family favorite "trading game", where everyone lays out their candy on a table and siblings come around and trade jelly beans for peanut butter eggs and malt eggs for chocolate bunnies. We have been doing this as long as I can remember having egg hunts.

these pictures were stolen from an email, so they're terribly blurry, but
they'll do. (Folks, this is how we know I'm not a photographer. I have several
friends that wouldn't even consider posting pictures this blurry).
L-R back: Aliza, Nick, Nate, Anna, me, Noah
front: Nolan, Nevin


1 comment:

  1. They look just fine to me! :) I can see faces. Glad you had a great trip - wish I could have been there, too.
