
20 April, 2011

Fourteen weeks.

I wish I could be consistent about posting these on the actual week change, but this will do. 

Yesterday we had a midwife appointment, and everything looks awesome! At first the student nurse couldn't find both heartbeats using just her electronic heartbeat detector thing-a-ma-bob (I am confident this has a more professional name. . .not a stethoscope :)), which was a little disconcerting, but the midwife did an ultrasound and as soon as we saw both of the babies jumping and bouncing around, with their hearts beating strong, we knew everything was fine.

My stomach feels huge and rock hard, but it seriously doesn't look huge. My midwife thinks I'll probably start really showing around 20 weeks, so we're almost there. I guess there's something with smaller people showing later. . . I always thought it'd be the other way around though. My uterus is giant, but that doesn't make me look very different. :) 

Our anatomy screening is scheduled and we can't wait! Peter's finally getting into the naming game, and we're so excited to know what kinds of names to be looking at, though we already have favorites. Also, we've got some pretty darn cute gender announcement pictures planned (Ashley Kate), so stay tuned for those!

How far along? 14 weeks (and several days)
Total weight gain/loss: +3 from last time. 
Maternity clothes? yep, mostly because they're so comfy.
Stretch marks? no.
Sleep: still not great, but bathroom breaks through the night have ceased for the time being at least. Honestly though, I take better naps.
Best moment this week: throwing up again. k i d d i n g. I suppose the ultrasound yesterday, they're always special. But this week has been pretty uneventful pregnancy-wise.
Movement: it is becoming more and more noticeable, but still not to the point of kicking and punching that I can feel. I don't have to "look" for it anymore, especially when I'm laying down, but it's mostly just  them squirming around.
Cravings: not really. 
Gender guesses: Peter: he's had two dreams in the past 1 1/2 weeks that its two boys! And he just texted me saying its two boys. Me: still one boy and one girl, though the heartbeats are throwing curveballs in my guessing game.
Labor Signs: no.
Belly Button in or out? innie. It looks like it's beginning to pop a little though! Isn't that early?! Let's hope it's just my eyes going bad.
What I miss: honestly, I'd like a good mixed drink with a neon colored straw (and even an umbrella would't hurt).
What I am looking forward to: ooh, the anatomy ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: ??
Milestones: into the second trimester.

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