
20 April, 2011

Some old family pictures and an update.

I was debating whether to combine these overdue posts into one big one, or fill peoples' news feeds with several notifications. I think I'll do a mix of the two.

Me- 1 month
Ashlee- 19 months
I dug out an old, old photo album yesterday and have been quite busy flipping through it. If I were able, I would scan every single picture it contains and upload them all. Maybe someday I will do more.
Moving plans are progressing, and next week is our last full week in this house. As far as an actual departure-from-the-US date, we're still working on that. As my pregnancy progresses we'll have a better idea, it's just tough to plan for an international flight in one's third trimester with twins. I'm sure you can imagine.
Back when our family was a tad smaller.
We've inquired about some beyond adorable cottages over in Saint Andrews, and rather than calling them "home", they all have names like Meadowside, The Old Mill, Hepburn Gardens and West Lodge.

Loans are well underway, and we've begun visa applications as well and, supposedly come June, things are going to fall into place pretty darn quickly, then there's no turning back. :)

We already have several budding friendships with people in our new town, as well as established communication with a great Reformed church in the village and a doctor that will get us in contact with a midwife upon our arrival.

I was happy to hear that during the summer months, it doesn't get dark there until midnight. Winter's a little different-- dusk supposedly hits at about 4PM, but we'll never have Cleveland winters of days upon days of -2 degrees.

To say we're excited about all of it would be an understatement. It will be sad, but summer is going to fly by-- it always does-- and before its even over, we'll be off. Our support system here has been phenomenal, and we couldn't even be walking this path without these people. . . you know who you are.

For those that are interested: consider overnight accommodations in the SA area taken care of if you ever want to tour Scotland (or just visit us).

Me- 1 month.
Last thing, not Scotland related-- as of tomorrow evening, I will be finished nannying Joyce. It's a really good thing for all of us, but I'm sad to see her go. . .to daycare, especially.


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