
28 April, 2011

Garbage find. . .

. . .yes, the week we are moving. I couldn't help but snag this vanity even though we're heading out in a couple days, but I've been wanting one for so long that I just had to take it in.

Plus, after watching so many people stop and look at it, flip it over, and leave it at the curb, I just had to take a look myself. Fortunately my husband is handy (ok, more than handy) and was able to easily refasten the legs and hinges on the mirror.

Now it's as good as new!

It's a pretty oak  (I surprised myself, too-- I actually can like oak), or maple or pine :) but I think I'll refinish it as a project this summer, then fall even more in love with it and be forced to find it a new home.

it has a giant space in the center for all my
makeup, and two small drawers on either side
perfect for hair stuff or jewelry.



  1. SO cute! You know, if you decide it needs a new home, I'd be glad to take it off your hands :P

  2. I *love* it. I don't blame you for getting it at all. :D

  3. haha dang I would totally take that! it would fit perfectly in our tiny apt!!!

  4. It is quite a handsome piece. Are you certain it's oak? The pictures make it appear maple or beech.

  5. So beautiful. I don't think you should refinish it! The real wood is beautiful. :)
