
05 April, 2011

Gender poll.

I think it's safe to say we've decided to find out the genders of these little ones. Even if you never comment, please place your vote. There's no prize, but we're curious to see what you all think!

Interestingly, we're not a divided house over here, and are both consistently thinking one of each. Whenever I'm what-to-register-for searching, I always look at blue and pink, and when I think of or talk about them, I always refer to them as our favorite boy and girl names, which I will not be sharing here. ;)

two boys, two girls, one of each?

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  1. Baa! I don't want to vote yet! I need to see how your belly progresses. That's how I guess. :-P Can I vote twice?

  2. I don't think you can vote twice. I tried to and it said "You have already voted". You can wait, it's perfectly fine. :)

  3. What? Shouldn't there be four options?

    1) both boys
    2) both girls
    3) this one's a girl and that one's a boy
    4) this one's a boy and this one's a girl
