
13 November, 2010

"...a time for every matter under heaven."

Our all-time favorite thing to do is light candles and sit on our front porch while drinking wine, eating grapes and chocolates, and smoking. Yes, that's right. Judge if you like. We like sit outside and enjoy the company of sailor smokes, unfiltered French cigarettes, or our latest Indonesian imports. We like to talk about nothing and everything. Sometimes we just sit across from each other and hold hands, talk about names for children we don't yet have, and dream of the two that we do. We like to reminisce about our earlier days together and make plans and dreams for our future.

The Lord often uses this time to reveal great things to us.  Like:

How children are a blessing, though marriage's well-defined purpose is for companionship. Not procreation. Children are an asset, "a gift".

I've realized something simple, something a lot of people probably realized much sooner than I have. In the most respectful way, there is more to life than having a quiver-full.

Again, this is not said in a selfish or careless way, but a thoughtful and heart-felt one.  Mind you, this is coming from a woman that got married out of high school with the hopes of being a young mother to a whole gaggle of children, among other things. In no way am I undermining the noble calling of being a mother. I am simply noting there truly is a season for everything, different for everyone, and motherhood should not be over-emphasized.

I also realized on this one particular night on the porch that the season of motherhood is not yet upon me. Peter and I have great plans and huge dreams for our life together-- desires for our children and what we want to be able to provide them with. Goals we want to reach together and things we want to accomplish as a team. And with or without children, we will pursue this path.

And, if the Lord chooses to bless us with one or many, 9 months from now or in the distant future, well then, they just get to come along on this crazy adventure!


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