
11 May, 2010

Fragile lives.

Yesterday we were reminded of the frailty of life. It's scary how quickly the reality of certain things can slip one's mind. It's even scarier how something can be so real. So permanent.
A man from Canada that Peter works with, and was beginning to develop a close relationship with, was killed in a car crash Sunday night. It's sad to this his company may crumble. Even to think Peter will never talk to him again. To think he'll never hold his babies again. It's sad to think his wife had no idea he would never come home again. To think the last kiss they shared was their last ever.
To make our evening even sadder, we laid in bed and watched Moulin Rouge (Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman). The movie is set in France, 1899 amid the Bohemian revolution, where Ewan McGregor plays a poet who falls for Satine, the star courtesan of the night club called Moulin Rouge. We find out she's sick, dying, and does not have long to live. Long story short, their love affair is tragically ended when the Duke offers a Satine a great deal-- promising to fulfill her dream and make her a world-renown actress. She fakes her loyalty to the Duke and leaves Christain (Evan McGregor) confused and heartbroken. Later he returns to the Moulin Rouge to beg her love, she confirms it, and dies minutes later in his arms.
Call us pathetic if you must. We turned off the TV and Peter held me while I cried in his arms. Yesterday made me want to grab everyone I love and keep them all together, never be angry at anyone ever again, and if we have to separate, always on good terms.
